This section explains how to list the domains already configured in sNow!
Edit me

In order to check the status of the domains and other key information, execute the following command:

snow list domains

This list provides detailed information about each domain, including:

  • Name of the domain
  • Status of the virtual machine/container
  • Status of the OS
  • The roles associated to the domain_name
  • The host where the domain is running


snow list domains
Domain                HW status   OS status                                 Roles                Host
------                ---------   ---------                                 -----                ----
proxy01               on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          proxy                snow01
proxy02               on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          proxy                snow02
monitor01             on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          monitor              snow01
monitor02             on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          monitor              snow02
ldap01                on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          ldap-master          snow01
ldap02                on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          ldap-replica         snow02
syslog01              on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          syslog               snow02
maui01                on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          torque-master        snow01
deploy01              on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          deploy               snow01
deploy02              on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          deploy               snow02
login01               on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          login,cfs            snow01
login02               on          up 2 weeks, 20 hours, 21 minutes          login,cfs            snow02